Every quarter I take some time to share how my marketplace lending investments have been doing. I open the kimono...
Every quarter I share my marketplace lending investment returns with the world. I started doing this back in 2011 with...
One of the most popular features for readers is my quarterly returns post. I have been sharing the details of...
One of the most popular features on Lend Academy is my quarterly return updates. I provide everyone with a look...
I love this industry. I love the fact that it is an efficient way to connect borrowers and investors, I...
One of the many things I love about this business is its transparency. Anyone can download the entire loan history...
Today Prosper sent an email to their retail investors notifying users of a change in calculating Annualized Net Return and...
We have had quite a month of news here in the P2P lending industry. But now I want to return...
When I meet people at conferences one of things I hear most often is how much everyone likes the fact that I share...
For four years now I have been sharing the quarterly returns of my P2P lending investments here. I get emails from so...