Most financial services firms look to educate users by having a blog or providing some links to resources; Acorns CEO Noah Kerner says the company wants to go further, they have their own online magazine, interviews with celebrities and provide financial how tos; they will also push content to you based upon how you use the app, trying to customize your experience; the big difference they see is when they combine education with the app experience, helping to move education beyond just reading articles. Source.
Mexican fintech Cometa raised $5 million in a seed round to cater financial services to education institutions in Mexico.
The CEO and Co-Founder of Nav talks small business finance and how his company is helping small business owners become more successful. Source
[Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Chris Ray, Co-founder of the LIBF Centre for Digital Banking & Finance....
Gimi, in a partnership with ABN Amro has released a financial literacy app for children. According to its founder, the effects could go far beyond economic benefits.
We often hear the question, “Where do I start?” from bank executives and others starting out in fintech. The fintech...
The CEO and Founder of NerdWallet talks fintech, consumer finance and the changes that are coming. In less than a...