There were many new regulations added in the wake of the financial crisis in an effort to prevent the next recession; with the new administration some of the regulations have been removed and now regulators are looking at lowering a key piece of regulation; the supplementary leverage ratio requires banks to maintain capital on their balance sheet as protection; bankers have pointed out that the regulation has been hurting their ability to lend and operate; some regulators agree but there are others still on from the previous administration who believe it should stay in place; there is a fear that too much deregulation will push banks to revert back to practices that contributed to the financial crisis, striking the right balance is where regulators are currently focused. Source.
The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) is lobbying Congress to block fintech firms from obtaining an Industrial Loan Company...
As the dust settles after the SVB fall, leaders are looking at ways forward. Many think fintech might have the upper hand.
The House passed an appropriations amendment which included $2mn for a postal banking pilot program; postal banking has gained momentum...
On today's episode, I'm joined by Lamine Zarrad, CEO and Founder of StellarFi.
The South Caroline primary is a few short days away and Super Tuesday is right around the corner; American Banker...
In an op-ed in American Banker the chief executive of the European Banking Federation, Wim Mijs, discusses the importance of...
The Senate passed a banking bill meant to roll back some of the financial regulations imposed after the crisis, but its fate is uncertain in the House; Republicans in the House want a further rollback of regulations; the bill is intended to help smaller banks avoid burdensome federal oversight and raises the definition of systemically important to $250bn from $50bn; the bill also makes adjustments to parts of the Volcker Rule and eases mortgage rules for smaller lenders. Source.