The Head of Amex’s mobile app, Stewart Kendall, sat down with the Tearsheet Podcast to discuss the shift in customer...
After only two days American Express has ended their partnership with fintech startup Curve; Curve said that Amex’s decision was “discriminatory”...
American Express' Pay It Plan It mobile feature allows for installment payments on purchases of over $100; the mobile feature is associated with a customer's American Express card; the company says Pay It Plan It is available now on several consumer credit and co-branded cards and cards issued after June 1 will have the feature added by 2018. Source
American Express has historically focused on building their own products but the firm is now open to more partnerships to...
China’s central bank as accepted Amex’s application to start a bank card clearing business, but they still need to receive...
American Express started making the slow transition a few years ago to cloud computing but the pandemic forced wide adoption...
American Express has joined the Hyperledger Project; the Hyperledger Project which is hosted by the Linux Foundation and supported by IBM, now includes over 100 members from various industries; in regards to joining the Hyperledger Project, Marc Gordon, executive vice president and chief information officer at American Express said, "We're excited to join Hyperledger, as we're looking to take full advantage of blockchain to deliver new and innovative products for our customers and partners, while transforming existing business processes and applications."; with the firm's membership, senior executive Sastry Durvasula, who is responsible for leading enterprise-wide big data, blockchain, digital payments and partnerships at American Express will join the Hyperledger Project's governing board. Source
American Express is looking to use the same style data that has made PayPal and Square so successful in small business lending; Gina Taylor Cotter, senior vice president and general manager of global commercial financing at American Express. tells American Banker,“We have done some research on this and we are trusted providers, so this puts us neatly between banks that may have a longer application process and the online lenders who are fast, but maybe a bit more expensive." Source.
A small group of American Express salespeople pushed credit cards on small business owners without adequate credit checks or through...
We heard on Monday that newly public fintech company, GreenSky, has partnered with American Express in a wide ranging deal....