In part one of this series we explored the interest rate movements at Lending Club over the past year. In this post...
It was nearly a year ago when an astute Lend Academy reader first noticed Lending Club’s plan to start a...
In Saturday’s New York Times, columnist Ron Lieber penned an article in his regular Your Money column titled, The Gamble...
Well 2011 certainly went out with a bang at Lending Club and Prosper. Both companies posted another month of solid...
One of the most popular features on Lend Academy is my quarterly return updates. I provide everyone with a look...
Back in October last year LendingClub executives ran an exercise where they had to game plan how the company would...
Scott Sanborn discussed the current market environment for online lending in his speech at LendIt USA comparing the industry to the growth of online retail and using Amazon as an example for how businesses can dramatically change and adapt to provide the best services for market needs; online lenders will have to be strategic in identifying market opportunities, building on their proprietary systems and partnering with other companies; Ash Gupta from American Express also noted at the conference the challenges and opportunities presented to online lending through the use of big data; the growing amount of data sourced by the industry has the potential to improve credit models and fraud prevention while also providing broader capabilities through machine learning technology. Source
Lending Club will hold its annual shareholder meeting on June 6, 2017; three board directors are up for approval including CEO Scott Sanborn; stockholders owning shares as of April 10 can participate in the virtual event; the shareholder meeting will take place one month after the firm announces its first quarter earnings results on May 4. Source
We have just wrapped up the shortest month of the year and Lending Club continues on its rapid growth upwards....
We continue our weekly roundup of new tools for p2p lending investors with something a bit different. P2P Summit hasn’t...