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Forbearance requests from homeowners have leveled off in recent weeks showing that there are likely to be less delinquencies and...
Biden administration priorities like stepped-up fair-lending enforcement and policing mortgage lender behavior loom large.
At LendIt Fintech News, we get questions all the time and one of the most frequent is "what is the best way to pitch a story?"
FTX has been on the hunt to buy brokerage start-ups as the crypto exchange moves into stock trading and its CEO takes a stake in Robinhood, sources say.
The market turmoil has sparked banks like JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America to try for further easing of certain...
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a non-profit DC think tank that advocates on behalf of free markets, has published a paper on stablecoins as well...
More than 100 million Americans spend an average of $1,100 (over $1.4 trillion per year) on their largest monthly household spend: rent. But reports say 90% of these people don’t get credit for paying their rent on time. On a sub-level, over 45 million people in the U.S. don’t have credit scores, according to a 2020 […]
In its first Fintech Conference, New York University's Stern School of Business discussed some key topics in the industry including regulations to public policy, equity crowdfunding, marketplace investing and blockchain technology; Dan Schulman, president and CEO of PayPal, was the keynote speaker; panel discussions included, "Marketplace Investing Versus Venture Capital" and "Beyond Blockchain and the Decentralized Autonomous Organization." Source